More fun seems to be finding Augusta.
Frankly, we grew sick and tired long ago of critics who groused about how the metro area offered so little to do when it came to leisure time. Why doesn’t Augusta have this store or that restaurant?
That grumbling came to a head in 2011 when then-Georgia Health Sciences University President Dr. Ricardo Azziz spoke to a local civic club and offered his needling assessment of Augusta: The city lacked a “cool factor” to attract recruits to the school’s growing medical research sector.
Now, several years later, a cool front is settling over the Augusta area – but for many reasons that Azziz didn’t see coming.
Nobody saw cyber coming to Augusta in 2011. It wasn’t until 2013 that the U.S. Army announced the creation of a Cyber Center of Excellence at Fort Gordon, and later that the fort would be the new location for the Army’s recently formed Cyber Command.